WETS offers:
-Enhanced bio-remediation as key process for water reclamation and purification as well as mechanical waste water treatment.
-Environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing natural process facilities.
-Various facility size and design depending on water load and type of pollution.
-Eco-Bio (wetlands) treatment for waste water. This is an advanced and well accepted technology used in North America and Europe. There are at least 200 municipal, industrial, and storm water wetland treatment systems in North America. These wetland systems have a wide variety of engineering designs, wetted areas, flow rates, inflow water qualities, plant communities, hydrological regimes, effluent limitations and monitoring requirements.
How do Constructed Wetlands Work for Waste Water Treatment?
The process relies on natural processes of bio remediation that are employed in the constructed wetland ecosystem.
It organizes the effluent concentration for remediation through a series of separate but connected treatment ponds or cells.
WHY? – this system can provide multiple benefits – habitat, water quality, recreation, education, aesthetic/amenity value, water security & reuse, CO2 reductions.
Characterized by the U.S. EPA as:
Constructed Wetlands are a thin film bio-reactor that provides a natural process for breaking down concentrated carbon atoms of waste products from the human process. This biological process occurs in nature and will eventually clean up waste products from municipal waste systems if given enough time. This “natural” process for cleaning waste water streams has some limitation in capacity at handling high volumes. Constructed Wetlands are an enhancement of the natural process by organizing the effluent and properly distributing the effluent through the wetland cells.
Whether a municipal waste stream is processed through a conventional WWT system or a Bio-Eco reactor system, the biological processes are essentially the same.
Advantages of Eco-Bio for WWT Systems
- Employed to enhance the primary processing of municipal, sanitary and
industrial waste water discharge.
- Treatment efficiency is 70%-99% effective.
- Low cost of implementation and operation.
- The system is effective across broad spectrum of inorganic, organic and
biological contaminants.
- Major reliance on natural processes.
- Low construction and facility costs.
- Can handle high WW volumes and high pollution concentrations.
- Can handle high surge loading.
- Low operating and maintenance cost.
Constructed Wetland Process (Typical)
-Physical (Primary): Removal of debris and solid matter.
-Surge pond.
-Biological (Secondary): Main process for degradation and elimination of
harmful bio-waste and chemical pollutions.
-Tertiary – Chemical/UV/Ozone/polishing: Final treatment for
preserving water quality before final discharge.
WETS team of experienced engineers has designed, constructed or participated numerous conventional WWT plants (see WETS work history). We are compliant with all U.S. available building codes and standards.
We are ready and capable to execute on an EPC basis any size conventional WWT facility.
WETS Mechanical Solutions:
- Grit Chambers
- Screens
- Aerators
- Sludge presses
- Filters
- Ozone
- Ultraviolet
- Clarifiers
- SBR's
- Activated Sludge
- Trickling Filters
- Dentrification
- Chlorination
- Charcoal Filtration
- Ozone
- Fluoride
- Chemical precipitation
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